In today’s world almost everyone is familiar with computer games – from the most trivial yet entertaining browser-based ones – like Kurnik, to those a bit more complex with a compelling plot – like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Also, there is a game that offers unforgettable team gameplay experience – League of Legends. The presumption that it is deficient in complex mechanics would be the token of the speaker’s ignorance, whereas one’s assumption about its absorbing plot would lack veracity. So, what may we experience after turning on the computer and opening Riot Games’ client? Inimitable chat with other players!
Unlike games in which we explore a virtual world surrounding our character and complete missions in order to be rewarded with a particular amount of gold, the aim of League of Legends is to defeat the team of five opponents with the help of four other enthusiasts of computer entertainment. It goes without saying that the crucial component of cooperation, which is a requisite for the victory, is <a href=””>the contact</a> with our allies. It may be made via chat – a small rectangular window which faces diverse instances of bending the rules of English language. In the face of a challenging clash between the two sides to triumph, the saying “The end justifies the means” seems to be particularly felicitous. Notwithstanding this fact, it is worth looking into some examples of this peculiar communication, which may undoubtedly make the reader laugh.

It is said that everyone in the world purportedly knows English to a greater or lesser extent; the basics of grammar and the inflection of verbs are the parts of curriculum in primary schools. However, being the player of League of Legends, one is likely to doubt it. “You is” – obvious, “he don’t” – prevalent, “I don’t can’t” – seen multiple times! Nevertheless, everyone makes mistakes, there are no reasons to laugh. Interestingly enough, we may find them in the wake of the use of words which take on a meaning in the fantasy world of League of Legends, but when they are <a href=””>translated</a> into Polish, they sound irrational. Namely, the verb “feed” refers to the player who, to put it mildly, plays bad; if we die too many times, we may be the recipient of the message “stop feeding!” from our allies. Therefore, while Polish offers the <a href=””>translation</a> of this word as delivering something to someone or providing someone with food, we may grin unconsciously. Moreover, when one is asked to “poke the enemy” by the other player and does not know the meaning of this command in the virtual reality, surprise would turn out to be their true ally. Rarely are we requested to jab a finger at the opponent (in practice to deal damage to them); thus, a newbie to League of Legends may feel a little bemused. In addition, an inseparable part of chat and effective <a href=””>contact</a> with team are abbreviations. Owing to them, not only do we minimalize the time of conveying our message but also we accurately express our emotions while playing. The commands such us “SS” (switching sides) or “AFK” (away from keyboard) help us to inform the allies about the enemy’s actions and movement on the map. In the game, we may find other abbreviations which are far more precious than a praise in school or in the job from a boss to some avid players; the simplest “gj” (good job) enables us to swell with pride once heard, “dw” (don’t worry) cheers one up after a catastrophic defeat and “nt” (nice try) heartens someone and encourages them to act further. Nonetheless, once traduced by the community of League of Legends, the words “gg wp” (good game, well played) became ambiguous. They are to thank the other players for the game or, full of jeer, might be used to mock the enemy for their mediocre score.
Therefore, League of Legends is the anchor for the players who are tired of exploring the virtual terrain on their own and earning gold coins as the result of completing dangerous missions. In this game, we will not only experience remarkable cooperation with a random group of people but also be the witnesses (and obligatorily the participants!) of the chat, which became famous for its uniqueness in the computer games industry. It is worth mentioning that its peculiarity might be the challenge for <a href=””>translators</a>, linguists and enthusiasts and seekers of grammar errors.
(translation M. C)