While hearing the word “translation” the vision of translating the text into a certain language in the ratio of 1:1 often comes to mind. Such a proceure aims at maintaining the original meaning of words but it does not work in every case. Specific and sometimes humorous phrases or idioms characteristic for a certain country or cultural circle do not always have their equivalents in another country. Then, special attention should be put on globalization.

Global localization in translations

The beginning – localization

Localization is an adjustment of target language to the needs of a certain country. What is considered proper for a wider group of recipients in Poland can create confusion in another country. Such expressions include phrases, proverbs and fixed phrases for example: phrase „jak to ugryźć“ (literally “how to bite it“) which can not directly be translated into any language.

Next step – internationalisation

Internationalisation is an adjusting of a product – in this case a translation – for society around the whole world. Its job is also acceleration of the localization stage. It is well seen in translations in which programming language has to include the possibility of being recorded in particular languages.

Globalization of translations

Globalization – as the name indicates – is an adjustment oft the product to the global market, and it also applies to translations. It is the mix of terms “localization“ and “internationalisation“. In practice, it means that in the proccess of translation, the attention is focused on making the final text approchable in terms of used vocabulary.

LangOps – breakthrough in translations?

The progress in technology also influences the translation field. An example of this is LanguageOperations (LangOps), a tool making communication between people speaking different languages around the world easier. It is based on mixing artificial intelligence with localization of a user. Thanks to this strategy, high quality translations are generated. They are understandable everywhere in the world, and besides that they are adjusted to a certain society regardless of the statement‘ s context. In Unbabel‘ s opinion – the creators of the platform – it allows to save time and costs connected with translation.

Application of theory in practice – the perfect translation

In translating, a huge role is played by individual adjustment of used language to the needs of a certain society. It should be remembered that without localization and internalization there is no globalization. A helpful tool allowing to use these terms in practice is LangOps, which is becoming increasingly important in the world of translation. But it should be taken into consideration that despite the fact that the inluence on translations is constantly growing, the “machine“ is not able to completely replace the work of a human, professional translator.

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