We’ve known for a long time now that robots can make our everyday life easier – can you imagine functioning without a vacuum cleaner, or make dough by hand? Sheer horror. And life without a washing machine?! Robots are among us and help in our daily household chores. At the same time, they constantly need to be updated and improved. Technological progress is taking place at a dizzying pace, and we, like robots, have to meet the expectations of an increasingly demanding society and face new developments. We know that robots will not only continue to help people, but will completely replace the work of human hands at some point, and the coronavirus pandemic has only accelerated this process. While some may complain and worry about their jobs, robotisation is necessary because, according to predictions, in 2030 there will be a shortage of 2 million people for work.
It is therefore fair to say that the pandemic has had a huge economic impact. ‘The crisis of globalisation, the regionalisation of production and the rise of economic protectionism, which is manifested by the export restrictions currently applied by more than 90 countries, are the result of the coronavirus worldwide.’ By taking this into consideration, we have to adjust while also putting emphasis on constant development. Most importantly, we need to be prepared for it in the translation sector.
By observing the events that are happening on the market, we can try to predict the future and come up with certain scenarios. We are afraid of the crisis and we are aware that the closing of the borders of countries has weakened the global economy, but is Poland’s situation a lost position? The authors of the article * anticipate post-Covid scenarios related to the retreat from China:
The first scenario is when the second role of the world’s factories is taken over by India and the countries of Southeast Asia, the second scenario is when national patriotism wins, that is when each country strives to produce goods at home. Another option is to shorten supply chains, which will result in production being concentrated in Central Europe, or a mixture of these trends. According to Krzysztof Mazur, the Polish economy is not in the worst situation, as it is closely linked to EU markets.
Investing in general development is a kind of a big gamble and some rules are required which also involve a new provision on robotisation allowances and a new approach from the Ministry of Development regarding economic promotion. These are two more factors that put Poland in a better light when it comes to post-Covid development. So, from January 2021, the robotisation provision will apply in our country and last for 5 years, it is definitely a first step to making a change in the greater development process in this field on the Polish market. We are assuming that many international contracts will be concluded, which will be followed by a need for specialist translations in this area.

And let’s not forget the EXPO which will take place in October 2021. “In addition to an offer for people who will physically visit us in the pavilion, we are also preparing online materials that will appear on the occasion of EXPO. Due to the pandemic, Internet activity has increased, as have so-called market places, i.e. trading platforms. A natural consequence may be a change in the approach to promoting the economy, for which the Polish Investment and Trade Agency is responsible. We should focus not only on international fairs, but also on the promotion of e-commerce,” Krzysztof Mazur believes.
We are also preparing for these changes by adapting our offer to the upcoming events. We know perfectly well how to translate specialist and technical texts from the robotics department, whether it they be manuals or construction projects.
We have knowledge in terms of websites, software for the industry, marketing texts, translations SEO and also making marketing content in foreign languages and preparation of multilingual data analysis for marketing purposes. When developing the issue of translations for the industry related to robotisation, we have a rich database of translators in various language configurations, specialised in software texts and technical texts for industry in general, including in the field of robotisation. These translations require the use of specialised language, terminology, and translation assistance software.
We are adapting, we focus on constant flexibility of development against a changing reality and we know no boundaries. As the famous Norwegian traveller Thor Heyerdahl said: ‘Borders? I’ve never seen one, but I’ve heard they exist in some people’s minds.’ In our case, the scope of translations has no boundaries, and our specialist translators are the best in their field.
*Information taken from the article: https://www.pb.pl/wygrywamy-w-trzech-z-czterech-scenariusz-1001742?smclient=90d4dd47-5186-11ea-b26e-0cc47a1256ac Przedsiębiorstwosource=salesmanago