With the current weather, spring still seems to be terribly far away. To sweeten a little bit our waiting for the first rays of the sun, let’s take a small trip around the world and see some different spring customs.

Spring has always been associated with the new life, as everything wakes up after a long winter sleep. Christians celebrate Easter as the new life to be praised. A strictly religious holiday, it’s connected with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Iran, on the other hand “Nowruz”, which is the Persian word for “The New Day”, is celebrated as a secular holiday. Nowruz is celebrated over 13 days of cleaning homes, buying new clothes and items and visiting friends and family members.

Another fun spring related holiday is the Bulgarian Baba Marta (Granny March) on the 1st March. Baba Marta is a women and her cheerful arrival announces the end of winter. In Bulgarian folk tales, the final snow of the season is Baba Marta shaking out her feather bed. In Poland, children are burning or “drowning” a colorful puppet called “Marzanna”. While doing so, they are letting winter go and greet the fresh, green spring.

One of the most popular spring celebrations is known as Holi, the Festival of Colours, celebrated mostly in India. This beautiful holiday is expressed by throwing colorful powders and water at each other. The Festival of Colours has become so popular lately that in different countries its variation is provided in order to entrain tourists during the summer time.

While most of the spring celebrations happen at the beginning of the spring (mostly in March) in Sweden, Walpurgis Night, also known as Valborg, is celebrated on the last day of April. Swedish people greet spring by igniting bonfires and singing songs. Walpurgis Night is also celebrated in Germany, Finland and the Czech Republic.

Which of this holidays would you like to celebrate the most? Would you prefer a religious or secular one? Share your opinion with us!


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