“W marcu jak w garncu” (In March like in a pot) – this Polish proverb reflects well what the weather is like this year – not only in Poland. One day we can sunbathe and enjoy the first breath of spring, whereas the next one it is impossible to leave the house without a winter jacket…

Butterflies and flowers in the winter

Have you ever seen a butterfly in the winter? If not, you can look at this movie, made in Poland in January: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aZ37qBfZ2E. This year you could also see some flowers that didn’t want to wait for the calendar spring and would like to bask in the first sunbeams. Unfortunately, after the snow came back, it was not so amenable for the plants that had already woken up.

Snow in the Sahara desert and other anomalies

This year we could see many different weather anomalies, almost in every part of the world: hurricanes, snowstorms, higher temperatures in the northern parts of Europe than for example in Spain … probably the most spectacular one was the snow that fell in January in the Sahara desert – here you can see what it looked like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-qoE13eK9E . A little bit weird, right?

Flu, bad mood and the farmers’ loss

You cannot hide the fact that we have practically no impact on the rapid changes of weather, whereas they have a big impact on us. Our organisms are not used to them, so many people suffer from flu, headaches and other illnesses. We can also feel more tired, irritated and have less motivation to take up new challenges. However, the group that probably complains the most are the farmers because their income depends to a large extent on the kindness of the weather.

And what do you think about weather anomalies? Have you seen any interesting ones in your area? Share them with us!


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