Interpretation Language Language learning Translation

Judicial and legal translations

Every type of specialised translation requires excellent knowledge of terminology and phraseology, and in the case of such a responsible task as document translation, its reliability is even more important. In order to appropriately prepare for such work, it is not enough to learn the relevant vocabulary, but it is also necessary to find out […]

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Marketing Między słowami

What makes the translation industry so strong?

Currently every branch is experiencing the effects of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Such a scenario has taken place many times in the past, among others in 2008 during the Great Recession. However, there are branches which were and still are profitable despite tough market conditions. One of these is the translation […]

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Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny Podróże

Perfect organisation, difficult language and kingdom of beer… What are the stereotypes about Germany?

There are many stereotypes regarding to our western neighbours. At every turn, we can hear that Germans are well-organised, their language is demanding and hard to accomplish. But also, Germans are considered as the greatest connoisseurs of golden hop liquor, maybe it is because of their beer drinking tradition and the world-famous event that Germans […]

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Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

Language diglossia

Since the times of the Prophet Muhammad, the Arab People have shared a deep respect for the spoken word. That’s why, nowadays Arabs are still very attached to the official form of their language. The official Arab language is considered to be the language of culture, civilisation and, most important of all, the language of […]

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Dla tłumaczy

Legal translations – some important facts

Legal translations are one of the most popular specialist translations both for corporate and individual clients. Let’s find out a few important facts about them. Legal translation is the type of specialist translations with language used in a legal context and for legal purposes. Among legal translations we can distinguish the ones for court (sentences, […]

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Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

The German language – almost all of us studied it at school, but who speaks it fluently?

Nowadays, knowledge of foreign languages is an extremely valuable tool. It is a basic requirement, which is considered in many situations, incl. job recruitment or conferences. The command of German also is of great importance and increases your chances of getting a better job. German is widespread all over the world and is the first […]

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Dla tłumaczy

Let’s touch on etiquette in the job of a translator

In every job there are certain rules that are imperceptible – have you ever thought about it? Maybe you have experienced some personal failures that made you wonder about proper behaviour while facing new and challenging situations? From the perspective of a newbie in the office, we are going to touch on some rules, ways […]

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