Dla tłumaczy Kącik kulturalny Między słowami

Translation as a hobby and a job

My chosen field of study, Norwegian Scandinavian Studies, opens up various career opportunities. One of the most obvious is to work as a sworn translator in state institutions or freelance in the translation industry. As a person who values individuality and freedom of action, I am much more inclined towards the second possibility of a […]

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Dla tłumaczy Językoznawstwo Kącik kulturalny

Two Norwegian languages – bokmål and nynorsk

People who are learning Norwegian language are usually extremely confused. Imagine learning any sort of foreign language and suddenly it turns of that there is another official language which differs a little bit, both in pronunciation and writing. Additionally this language is continuously in use. Furthermore, there are over 400 dialects, which can cause some […]

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Kącik kulturalny Podróże

Holiday trip to Norway – what to visit?

The halfway point of the holiday that we have all been waiting for so long is just passing. When planning a vacation, we are usually interested in places where we can actually feel the holiday atmosphere – countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain usually have the most tourists from Europe and beyond. Scandinavian countries, […]

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